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Egglettes: Make Hard-Boiled Eggs Without Peeling The Shell

Availability: In Stock
Product Code: 011712
Total Sale: 85

Rs. 1,250 Rs. 2,300 46%

{{prdProcessInfo.selectedVariant.prdVar_price - prdProcessInfo.selectedVariant.prdVar_discount | currency : 'Rs. ' : 0}} {{prdProcessInfo.selectedVariant.prdVar_price | currency : 'Rs. ' : 0}} {{(prdProcessInfo.selectedVariant.prdVar_discount / prdProcessInfo.selectedVariant.prdVar_price) * 100 | number : 0}}%

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      • Order Total {{prdProcessInfo.final_grand_total | currency : 'Rs. ' : 0}}

What if I were to tell you that you could make hard-boiled eggs without having to actually peel the egg after cooking it? I would probably eat hard-boiled eggs every day of my life if I didn’t have to peel them! Well, Egglettes are here to change your life, as they’ll let you make hard-boiled eggs with no egg peeling.